Friday, April 30, 2010


Teagan made a post about her goals, so I decided I would follow suit and do the same! These aren't really goals I want to accomplish by a certain date, just general ones.

1. Lose 50 lbs
2. Get a hip tattoo ( example pictures to come)
3. Buy summer clothes
4. Buy professional clothes
5. Get a new job
6. Buy a new phone
7. Save up enough money for mexico in February

That's all I got so far. I'm going to do a post about my bucket list a little bit later- which are basically goals I want to accomplish before I die.


Here's a couple of example pictures of the hip tattoo I want. I definately want it for Mexico!

I love love love this!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So, after watching Say Yes To The Dress and seeing the atrocities people wear I decided to make a blog showing the dresses I would love to wear! Some of the websites don't show exact prices- just a general one unfortunately. Anyways! Here goes!

I love this one. I would get it in white, and without the arm thingys. This one just showed a general price of $5000+.

I love this one! It is $1500-$3000. Here's another view...


This one is also $1500-$3000, and I really like it! The pictures aren't that great though!

Another view:


I'm not too sure how much this one is, but I really like it. It doesn't really have enough beading on the top for me though!

This one is unfortunately $5000+ but I love the way the dress exposes that little corner of different fabric. I love dresses that do that, like the first one!

This one is very pretty! It goes for between $3000 and $5000.

This one is my absolute favourite!!! It is between $3000 and $5000 as well.

It has lots of more views!

This one is very pretty too (my second favourite)- and is in the $3000-$5000 range:

And there you have it! My wedding dress choices!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Favourite Post To Date!

My last post turned into a little bit of a rant, so I'm going to try again. Teagan say's that my posts are boring, but I highly doubt she'll think that of this one!

That's because It's all about...

Diamond Rings that is. You see, I have always wanted to sport one on my right hand, on the finger beside the pinkie since it's the smallest and all my other fingers are quite big in circumference.
Of course I want one on my left hand one day, but that's so far down the road I don't even want to think about it. Now of course when I do get an engagement ring it will be much larger then the ones I am about to show you. That is because I want a really small, simple, elegant little shimmer :)

For now.
Anyways! Here goes!

 The above ring is a Solitaire Princess Cut Ring, and it sells for $299. I love the style of this one, the way the ban curves around the diamond.

This magnificent beauty is a 18K White Gold Diamond Cluster Trinity Ring, and this sells for $1499. Isn't it stunning?

This is a White Gold Diamond Ring, and this is a very unique take on the first ring design I showed you. This sells for $899. I prefer this and the first one over the middle one, because they are a lot more unique.

  I absolutely love this one. It's a very simple Solitaire Diamond in White Gold. This one sells for $499, and is so far my favourite.

This a beautiful Solitaire Diamond in White Gold. I love the simplicity, and it sells for $549. The last 5 rings have all been for Ann-Louise Jewellers.

I think this one is so cute! It's from Ben Moss and its .20 Carat Three Stone Diamond Ring settled in a 10k White Gold Band. This one sells for $369.

And that's all I could find, really, that caught my eye!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I would like to start this post by stating the obvious.

Boy's are stupid. Don't ever date one.


It's so weird how a lack of breasts -and addition of a certain something else- seems to interfere with normal human brain thought processing. You'd think that everyone would have the same general kind of common sense, but apparently not. Apparently males take everything at face value and are not very good at reading into situations.

Take for example- a couple walking by a ring shop. The woman would look and say, "Wow- look at how beautiful that specific ring right there is, I can just imagine how it would look on my finger" and the man would say, "MmmHmm." 

That would be the end of the male's thought process. All he got from that most likely was that the woman liked rings. And then he'd think about the new video game ring of death, and then he'd think about onion rings, and other totally non related ring things.

Now, really, with a little reading into the conversation (or lack thereof) the man could have deciphered that the woman wanted that ring. As in wanted it right away. As in like, tomorrow. 

Months probably go by, and finally by the grace of God the man decides he is going to buy the woman a ring- but only to get her off his back about a puppy. He goes to the ring shop and see's the ring the woman pointed out, lighted in a display case, and discounted!

Guess what he does? Picks the first ring he sees, says its good enough, and probably doesn't even give it to her romantically. He probably just throws it on the kitchen counter and leaves a note that says, "For when you're done the dishes."

This is only a larger, more obvious example. Little moments of mens' stupidity are actually displayed constantly throughout the day. Every day. Of every month. Of every single year. When a woman says, "We haven't been on a date in so long," it generally means she would like to go on a date. Unfortunately, a man would most likely just observe that she was pointing out the obvious and continue on living his stupid life. 

I just wish men would live by the one rule I have decided would solve all the problems. 

When you're about to say, or do something. Think about what you're about to do, or say, and then do, or say the exact opposite.

Like when a woman comes through the door, slams down her purse, and says she had a terrible day- a man might ask what's wrong. Obviously she will respond with "Nothing," or, "I don't want to talk about it." Now instead of shrugging your shoulders and going off and playing video games to give her 'space',- do the opposite! Sit her down, give her a back rub and say something like, "Well when you want to talk, I'm here to listen," and continue the back rub for as long as she would like.

Problem solved, happy woman, everyone wins.

How can it be so friggin hard?!


Moving on.

I really need to buy the latest cosmo, because if I miss it I'll be uber pissed. I need to stack them all up to make the sexy man on the side of the magazine- and my black man is almost complete up to his abs. If I miss this magazine- he'll only have a four pack.


Moving on.

That's all I have to say.

For now.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Working, sadly, is necessary if you have what I have.

You might be wondering what I have. The other day I came to the conclusion that I have Oniomania. Oniomania is the medical term for a compulsive desire to shop.

I love to shop.

I even like to think about shopping.

I shop online, in stores, through windows...

I shop pretty much wherever I am.

Even if I don't have money, I plan what I am going to buy when I do have money. Everything I do is focused on making money so I can buy something.

I'm pretty good at keeping up with technology- but that comes at a cost. iPods are at least $400, cell phones at least $600, and computers are bottomless pits that seem to soak up cash like a towel soaks up water.

I work at Save On, which is pretty good money but I've been on a break for almost two months. My mom pays for my gas in return for driving my sisters around, and that's pretty much all I live off of. It kind of makes me wonder what happened to all my money when I was working- seems how I don't really have much to show for it. I do need to budget my spending a little bit better, especially since I will be attending college in September..

Which also happens to be my birthday. Worst. Birthday. Present. Ever! Anyways, I'm also kind of assisting a photographer. I'm doing it Pro bono publico, which is kind of awesome because I can add it to my resume and maybe even get a reference out of it. This way I can get a better job and finally take off lame babysitting as job experience. Finally.

I have a lot that I want to save up for. I want to decorate my room, buy summer clothes, buy some professional clothes ( in case I do get hired by a hotel or bank), and a new cell phone. Which I might not even have to save up for if I play my cards right with Telus.

I do want to save a lot though. Nothing feels better then knowing you have money in the bank in case an emergency situation arose. And since my cars engine light is on- that might be sooner then later for me. I'm going to Mexico in February and ill need to save probably $2000 for that. And I want to save up so I can sell my current car and maybe buy something that will last me longer.

A little KIA Rio until I can save up enough for my dream beauty car of magnificence. 

Anyways. I'd really like to get on the car thing sooner then later. Like, before mine blows up. 

I think I need to work two jobs.

Dear Hotel,
Please Hire Me.
Sincerely Yours,


Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Have Come to the Conclusion:

That I am better then Teagan.
But we all knew that anyways.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Diva

Now most people would associate the word diva with someone like, well, like myself. However, when I see the word diva- I think of something else entirely. Let me show you what I'm talking about.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allow me to introduce you to- 

Truly a thing of beauty, the Kia Soul Diva is as much a car as it as a fashion accessory. The beautiful metallic white paint and the oh so contrasting accents of gold clash together to form the most beautiful thing man kind has even seen.

Since me.

Inside the diva does not disappoint- providing a white, black, and gold world of leather and glitter. All of this of course, is accented by the full length tinted panoramic glass roof.

The dashboard is covered in white leather, flowing over to the beautiful two spoke steering wheel. The seats are covered in a sexy faux leather with quilted stitching, and the flooring is even 'pony-hide' carpet that begs you reach down and run your fingers through its luscious feel.

Try not to fall in love. After all, we all know there is only one person that can handle the personality this beautiful creation has to offer. And we all know that person-

is me.