Sunday, March 28, 2010


Working, sadly, is necessary if you have what I have.

You might be wondering what I have. The other day I came to the conclusion that I have Oniomania. Oniomania is the medical term for a compulsive desire to shop.

I love to shop.

I even like to think about shopping.

I shop online, in stores, through windows...

I shop pretty much wherever I am.

Even if I don't have money, I plan what I am going to buy when I do have money. Everything I do is focused on making money so I can buy something.

I'm pretty good at keeping up with technology- but that comes at a cost. iPods are at least $400, cell phones at least $600, and computers are bottomless pits that seem to soak up cash like a towel soaks up water.

I work at Save On, which is pretty good money but I've been on a break for almost two months. My mom pays for my gas in return for driving my sisters around, and that's pretty much all I live off of. It kind of makes me wonder what happened to all my money when I was working- seems how I don't really have much to show for it. I do need to budget my spending a little bit better, especially since I will be attending college in September..

Which also happens to be my birthday. Worst. Birthday. Present. Ever! Anyways, I'm also kind of assisting a photographer. I'm doing it Pro bono publico, which is kind of awesome because I can add it to my resume and maybe even get a reference out of it. This way I can get a better job and finally take off lame babysitting as job experience. Finally.

I have a lot that I want to save up for. I want to decorate my room, buy summer clothes, buy some professional clothes ( in case I do get hired by a hotel or bank), and a new cell phone. Which I might not even have to save up for if I play my cards right with Telus.

I do want to save a lot though. Nothing feels better then knowing you have money in the bank in case an emergency situation arose. And since my cars engine light is on- that might be sooner then later for me. I'm going to Mexico in February and ill need to save probably $2000 for that. And I want to save up so I can sell my current car and maybe buy something that will last me longer.

A little KIA Rio until I can save up enough for my dream beauty car of magnificence. 

Anyways. I'd really like to get on the car thing sooner then later. Like, before mine blows up. 

I think I need to work two jobs.

Dear Hotel,
Please Hire Me.
Sincerely Yours,


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