Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I would like to start this post by stating the obvious.

Boy's are stupid. Don't ever date one.


It's so weird how a lack of breasts -and addition of a certain something else- seems to interfere with normal human brain thought processing. You'd think that everyone would have the same general kind of common sense, but apparently not. Apparently males take everything at face value and are not very good at reading into situations.

Take for example- a couple walking by a ring shop. The woman would look and say, "Wow- look at how beautiful that specific ring right there is, I can just imagine how it would look on my finger" and the man would say, "MmmHmm." 

That would be the end of the male's thought process. All he got from that most likely was that the woman liked rings. And then he'd think about the new video game ring of death, and then he'd think about onion rings, and other totally non related ring things.

Now, really, with a little reading into the conversation (or lack thereof) the man could have deciphered that the woman wanted that ring. As in wanted it right away. As in like, tomorrow. 

Months probably go by, and finally by the grace of God the man decides he is going to buy the woman a ring- but only to get her off his back about a puppy. He goes to the ring shop and see's the ring the woman pointed out, lighted in a display case, and discounted!

Guess what he does? Picks the first ring he sees, says its good enough, and probably doesn't even give it to her romantically. He probably just throws it on the kitchen counter and leaves a note that says, "For when you're done the dishes."

This is only a larger, more obvious example. Little moments of mens' stupidity are actually displayed constantly throughout the day. Every day. Of every month. Of every single year. When a woman says, "We haven't been on a date in so long," it generally means she would like to go on a date. Unfortunately, a man would most likely just observe that she was pointing out the obvious and continue on living his stupid life. 

I just wish men would live by the one rule I have decided would solve all the problems. 

When you're about to say, or do something. Think about what you're about to do, or say, and then do, or say the exact opposite.

Like when a woman comes through the door, slams down her purse, and says she had a terrible day- a man might ask what's wrong. Obviously she will respond with "Nothing," or, "I don't want to talk about it." Now instead of shrugging your shoulders and going off and playing video games to give her 'space',- do the opposite! Sit her down, give her a back rub and say something like, "Well when you want to talk, I'm here to listen," and continue the back rub for as long as she would like.

Problem solved, happy woman, everyone wins.

How can it be so friggin hard?!


Moving on.

I really need to buy the latest cosmo, because if I miss it I'll be uber pissed. I need to stack them all up to make the sexy man on the side of the magazine- and my black man is almost complete up to his abs. If I miss this magazine- he'll only have a four pack.


Moving on.

That's all I have to say.

For now.

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